Business support for Eastern Europe (Georgia, Ukraine, Armenia, Moldova, Qazaqstan)

Sell, invest or source goods and services

Georgia, Ukraine, Armenia, Moldova and Qazaqstan (formerly Khazakstan) are the European countries of the Former Soviet Union not yet members of the EU.

You are a seller or buyer of goods or services, perhaps an industry participant looking for a way in via an acquistion or direct investment. Your question is: How to find a partner in Georgia, Ukraine, Armenia, Moldova or Qazaqstan ?


Work with us! Volga Trader ‘s team is strong in sales and marketing. We can provide you with the extra capacity you will need to break into a new market by building a sales channel or due diligence on acquisition targets and potential supplies. Volga Trader has been working in the field on these issues since 1994.

Our strength is our processes. For example we can extract every shipment into or out of these countries by HS Code with Date, Goods, Quantity and Invoice Value. Not just this. We have our own unique database management systems to turn all those masses of data into useable information.

Our  Advice Centre is a blog that publishes notes about the basics of international trade and the Eastern European business environment a few times a year. You may find it helpful in helping you to plan your venture in Eastern Europe.


Find buyers and start sales in Georgia, Ukraine, Armenia, Moldova and Qazaqstan without major commitments. You don’t need to overstretch your existing sales staff. You don’t need to recruit someone to manage importers before there is secure revenue.

Are you already dealing with a importer, distributor or wholesaler in Eastern Europe? Is their performance matching the market potential? Volga Trader can discover the facts for you.

We can also provide a culturally sensitive go-between to explore opportunities for improvement when communication has become difficult.

For a larger firm, current combinations of exchange rates, interest rates and industrial policy, mean that buying a business usually gives the best return on entering the market.
You may be buying an importer, distributor (not always the same as an importer in the Former Soviet Union), wholesaler, manufacturer or retailer. We can help you find prospective targets for acquisition. Some of our associates have substantial lists of businesses for sale or we can analyse the sector and identify potential acquisition targets.

If you want to set up a greenfield operation, we can put together the resources to do that too.

Georgia, Ukraine, Armenia, Moldova and Qazaqstan  have undervalued currencies. This means that Eastern European goods and services are very competitively priced.

Qazaqstan has particular strengths in raw materials, agricultural goods, semi processed metals and chemicals, clothing and engineering other than electronics. In the service sector, Ukraine is strong in computer programming.

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